Their stated mission now is to attempt a fast-track it and to make that all happen this year, in November.
If all of this REALLY has to happen, then 2012 would be the best year to do it. Being it is a presidential election year, the turnout will be far greater than if it were done in an off-year like 2013. An off-year would draw only the fanatics to the booth, thus giving the proposal a better chance than normal. Something tells me that, despite the bluster of "let's vote now", Saratoga Citizen would actually prefer 2013 for the above reasons.
So, let's put it on the November ballot. Let the war begin
How about you tell us how you really feel, dear?
Say it ain't so. Now Wilkes and Kane will be back spewing their BS again. Combine that with Mathieson's BS on city crime and bar closing times and we've got one big doo-doo pile here.
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