Mar 5, 2007

TechValleyTimes welcomes Albany Rants

We always got a kick out of this guy's local blog. After all, why wouldn't we admire the work of a fellow student of the "journalism is a contact sport" school of publishing?

Therefore, after long, drawn out negotiations --- at least ten minutes, anyways ----we are pleased to announce that the ALBANY RANTS blog will now be part of NANO BURGH - THESE TECH VALLEY TIMES.

Our phone operators have been warned. The liability coverage has been increased. All systems are go.

Look for the first new contributions from Rants, starting next week. In the meatime, we've peppered a handful of his previous gems throughout this blog.

Welcome aboard, Rants ---- now let 'em rip! And remember these words from a wise man:

"Sacred cows make for the tastiest hamburgers."

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