Here is the netcast of the recent "Local Economics of Saratoga Springs" panel discussion, as presented by Sustainable Saratoga on the Skidmore College campus June 22.
Watch it here
Panelists: James Howard Kunstler, Todd Fabozzi, Melanie Beam, David Hess
Moderator: Robert Millis
Opening Remarks: David Levesque
Viewing Guide:
0:00 Opening Remarks: David Levesque
0:45 Introduction & Remarks: Robert Millis (Moderator)
7:00 Introduction of James Kunstler
Question: “What is the state of the modern American community and how did we get here?”
18:45 Introduction of David Hess
Question: “Why is locally-owned important – and what is the math economics that supports those benefits?”
24:20 Introduction of Melanie Beam
Question: “What are the challenges in getting the buy-local message out there and thoughts on local currency exchanges?”
28:40 Introduction of Todd Fabozzi
Question: “What is sustainability and a sustainable community?”
36:10 Bullet Round Panel Question: “Is Saratoga being a bedroom community and a tourist trap a good thing or a bad thing?”
45:00 Bullet Round Panel Question: ”Should Saratoga explore a chain or formula store ordinance”?
48:30 Bullet Round Panel Question: “What specific initiatives should a group like Sustainable Saratoga undertake?”
51:55 Question for Melanie Beam: “ What products & services are overlooked as buy-local opportunities?”
54:20 Question for Jim Kunstler: “Private property rights vs new urbanist planning?”
57:00 Question for David Hess: “What local public policies can help or hurt localism?”
58:00 Question for Jim Kunstler: “Comment on Saratoga's planning and zoning policies?” (with followup by Todd Fabozzi)
60:00 Bullet Round Panel Question: “How do get real regional planning and case studies of model localized cities?”
64:12 Audience Question: “Will CDTA service help solve the parking issue?”
67:37 Audience Question: “What is the role of tech, energy sectors regarding sustainability?”
75:30 Audience Question: “Comment on our having become a market-driven society?”
80:10 Audience Question: “Local stock exchange feasibility?”
82:00 Concluding Question: “Is Saratoga weird enough?”
(with concluding remarks)
Plus, a little poetry, a little taking to task of certain city leaders, a little humor and a whole lot of wandering off topic. But it's all good....and worth watching if you can grab a leisurely 90 minutes. 'Cus it sure beats that mind-numbing TV show you're about to fall asleep in front of!
Mr Kunslter is a pisser. He's very entertaining and puts his opinions right out there for you to either accept or reject. Always a good show.
It sounds like he doesn't think highly of Mayor Val Keehn. Shocked!
Go to the 66 minute mark for the Val K / DFC Dems crucification
Yes, I just watched it all the way thru. Interesting discussion; pieces of it anyways.
Of particular note is the part about what would happen if a chain restaurant were to locate on Broadway. This should be a wakeup call to city officials.
Of course, that would only work if we had city officials that could think in such a forward, proactive manner.
But when you realize that some of them can't even count garbage bags or who think that closing the bars at 2AM is a good idea but not during racing season, you begin to realize the futility of just such a wish.
Why are you called Nano Burgh?
Is it a reflection on the total brain sizes of the residents of Saratoga? Or just the politicians'?
What's that beatnick poet guy talking about when he says there's no weird people in this city? Has he ever walked into Clancey's? Or a city council meeting? Somebody needs to introduce this guy to David Bronner or Kyle York.
Then he'll know what weird looks like.
Funny. Bronner would be a good presenter for a future event at Skidmore. Just let him ramble on and spit all over the place and punch at demons in the air. What could be a better representation of the NEW Saratoga?
Saratoga is a boring piss hole. Just a bunch of old tired newcomers wandering around in a daze, unattached to any part of the community. But aren't the condos and lovely restaurants on Broadway just WONDERFUL! Geez Louise.
I laughed. I cried. Well not really. A real snore fest.
Zzzzzz. Zzzzzzz.
Jim just needs to consider going the caffeine - free route with his coffee choices.
.....Way above the mentality and comprehension level of today's average and typical Saratogian.
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